Pregnant woman holds stomach

Congratulations, You’re Expecting!

We know how exciting this is for the entire family and how much there is to do before the baby arrives. To help you, we provide a free prenatal “meet-the-doctor” consult, during which you can tour the office, confirm we are in your insurance network, ask questions and discuss various topics with Dr. Ashenberg, including her approach to illness, treatments of diseases, the role of vaccines in disease prevention, breastfeeding, and parenting advice. We book these appointments around your busy schedules.

By choosing your pediatrician ahead of time, you will be able to reach out to Dr. Ashenberg from your baby’s first day of life for advice or to discuss any concerns. Because we have been associated with Boston Children’s Hospital for decades, this is where Dr. Ashenberg would refer your newborn, if they needed to see a specialist for any reason.

Dr. Ashenberg has developed personal relationships with many of the top specialists at Boston Children’s Hospital, and we have our own liaison there to get our patients faster appointments with exactly who Dr. Ashenberg wants them to see. We hope you will come and meet us and let us take part in caring for your child.