Boy plays on monkey bars

New Patients

We welcome families who are transferring from another practice into ours. If you would like to meet with Dr. Ashenberg prior to selecting our office to care for your child, we offer a free “meet-the-doctor” consult, just call us to schedule: 978-957-4300.

Otherwise, if you have already selected Dr. Ashenberg as your child’s new pediatrician, there are a few things you will need to do. 

  • First, contact your insurance company to make sure Dr. Ashenberg is in your network and list her as your child’s PCP, primary care physician, if one is required. 
  • Secondly, contact their current pediatrician to get a copy of the child's medical records sent to Dr. Ashenberg. They will require your signature to do this. If you have their office name, phone number, and fax number, you can bring them into our office and sign a release, which we can fax directly to them for you.

New Patient Forms

To make the transition smoother, please print out and complete the New Patient Registration Form and bring it with you to the office on their first visit. We look forward to meeting you!